Join Us in Despair

You know when you were a kid and your diary was full of angst and woe-is-me-ness? That is what this blog is for. Lost your job, dog is sick, someone stole your parking spot, crashed your car, just generally glum? This is the place to put all that lovely grey and those long drawn out sighs.

Lists of sad songs. Depressing movie reviews. Top ten reason to stay in bed. All things not happy. Bring them here.

Are you sick, are you tired? Have you been sick & tired for a year? Share it here. Unhappy, gloomy, dismal, down in the dumps, miserable only. Did you have a bad day, a month... share. Not that tragedy and despair can't be funny, contributors are welcome to make their posts goofy, witty, laugh-out-loudable, just not happy or upbeat.

Would you like to be part of the DD&D project? Do you have a sad story, a rant, a poem of a lost love? Join us as a contributor.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heaven's Hell

It's another day! And... I have homework. Japanese teachers are so cruel. And I survived picture day at school. Anyways, as I tried to desperately straighten my hair (and burn it in the process, bleh) my S***ty (am I allowed to say that?) best friend just decided to study (or just make a cheat sheet). Either way, I think we're starting to influence each other too much. ~lesigh.
Anyways, here's another gloomy poem from my collection.

Enjoy the sadness, lovelies.

Heaven's Hell

Full moon casts its lurking shadows
Brisk wind drifted to the silent landscape
Despite the inherent beauty of the night itself
In the grasp of nightmare nothing could escape

She was caught between remnant thoughts
A horrid dream of despair and fear
Condemned to watch this horror film
Her eyes shed more than a single tear

It played on the canvas of her closed eyelids
She struggled hard, trying to wake
She lay there helpless and alone
Fighting through the morbid death sake

Suddenly she shot up in her bed
Eyes wide and bloodshot from trauma
Looked around in her large darkened room
But found hollowness in a stoic persona

Ethereal materials surrounded her pale face
She felt the trepidation in her trembling body
Stripped stark-naked of all her defenses
She felt betrayed of what she thought would make her happy

And all this caused her irrevocable dolent
Caused her too much inevitable pain
All this so-called blessings gave her nothing but torment
And her sole companion was nothing but the rain

Tears slowly drifted in her pallid cheeks
All this sadness she's got no one to tell
She wanted to scream but can't bare speak
And she realized she was living in a Heaven's Hell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
