Join Us in Despair

You know when you were a kid and your diary was full of angst and woe-is-me-ness? That is what this blog is for. Lost your job, dog is sick, someone stole your parking spot, crashed your car, just generally glum? This is the place to put all that lovely grey and those long drawn out sighs.

Lists of sad songs. Depressing movie reviews. Top ten reason to stay in bed. All things not happy. Bring them here.

Are you sick, are you tired? Have you been sick & tired for a year? Share it here. Unhappy, gloomy, dismal, down in the dumps, miserable only. Did you have a bad day, a month... share. Not that tragedy and despair can't be funny, contributors are welcome to make their posts goofy, witty, laugh-out-loudable, just not happy or upbeat.

Would you like to be part of the DD&D project? Do you have a sad story, a rant, a poem of a lost love? Join us as a contributor.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Fading Fairytale

I take a bite at the poison apple

I suddenly start to fall

What a shame

What a horror

Clock strikes twelve and I runaway

Leaving my slippers made of glass

I watch behind me and I look away

Will we see each other in another day?

A kiss of love I yearn

For a kiss of love I wait

When will I ever learn?

There is nothing to debate

I remain asleep in tangled heartstrings

Waiting for my prince to wake me

Reality dawns; reveals its ugly bearings

He will never come to save me

It’s too soon to give up

But it’s too late to hope

I remain lifeless and sleeping

But there you are trying to cope

Don’t bother, my sweet, don’t waste

Just breathe, my love, don’t wail

Good bye, my darling, my heart

You can’t save this fading fairytale


Luna said...

your so talented. beautiful.

Anonymous said...

thank you. :]

Wait. What? said...

oooh i like it!